Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beautiful Paris

Here are some pictures of my week :

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I would like to take another direction for this blog.

I will continue talking about my life, but not only. I would like to share cultural point of views from the countries I've experienced : the Philippines and China. I will also share my musical tastes and other views.

I hope I will have time to do it and that my blog will be more interesting hehe.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

When in Paris

Hey there !

I'm in Paris since Monday now, staying at my brother's appartment in the 13th.

I spend my days visiting, watching TV and playing piano. I still couldn't see the friends I wanted to...

So what did I do ? I walked on the Champs-Elysées until the Arc de Triomphe (sorry, too lazy to translate), then today I went to the chinese quarter, see the Tang Frere market, then I took the subway to the Tuilerie garden. I walked to the Louvres Museum and took pictures. It was so beautiful ! I sat in the garden and read a little. Unfortunately you will see the pictures later as I am not using my own laptop right now.
I also walked on the Rivoli Street, where I found a charming book store with english books. I didn't buy anything, though. Then I just took the subway home...

Paris is so beautiful but I still can't imagine myself live here one day...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back in Bordeaux

Alone in my appartment for the first time since... 4 months !

Tomorrow will be my internship defence... wish me luck...